Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Day 9

             Today we all woke up at 6:30 after staying up late last night celebrating Yom Haatzmaut in Tiberias.  We woke up and trudged over to tefillah. Tefillah was a little long, but spirited, led by Avi, Yaakov, and Julia. Yaakov, Ben and Avi read Torah from the reading for Yom Ha’atzmaut, we headed over to breakfast where many of us once again enjoyed “the wonders of the hot chocolate machine,” as expressed in yesterday’s blog. We just can’t stop talking about that.
            After a brief breakfast, we took a drive to the Israeli air force base where we met up with last year’s emissaries, Assaf and Yuval. We toured the base, met with its commander and viewed all types of planes, helicopters, and jets (Oh my!). There was also a fascinating air show where we saw F16s. It was also very interesting to see the actual “Iron Dome.” It was a once in a lifetime experience that won’t be forgotten.
            After looking through the air base and saying goodbye to our old friends, the class took a rather lengthy bus ride in which Avi was screaming most of the way (not an uncommon phenomenon.) When arriving at Kfar Blum we went rafting on the Jordan River. We divided into groups of four and went on our way through the rapids. Also, we, very proudly, were able to push Morah Amalya over into the river. However, she would like us to mention how she put up a big fight. There is quite a list of kids who went over the edge too: Rachel, Ben, Zachary (great job, Rabbi Amanda), Yaakov, Yoni, and Julia. In fact, Morah Amalya’s raft, the Tamale Trolley, all went down.
            We then took another long bus ride back to our hotel. During this drive most of the students slept while others took a more unique approach and sang songs the whole ride home. (Thanks, Avi, Jennifer, Yaakov, Josh and Ben.) Well, actually they defined it as “singing” while some of us characterized it more as “noise.”


  1. :-) finally everyone can understand the reason for my deafness. And to all those who are complaining about Avi's singing, ask her to sing to you the part from "The little mermaid" she used to sing to us when she was a baby. You will be amazed (but you need to sign a waiver first. I don't want any liability).

    I look at the picture of Rabbi Amanda and all I can think of is how she climbs into the cockpit of the F-16 and takeoff with an engine roar. This is funny.

    Avi, you missed today's ceremony at Ezra, with not only your brother reading from the Torah but your Dad as well. Morah Jacqui recorded herself reading it and I burned it on CD and listened to it 24 hours a day for the last week. I have a video to prove it actually happened. When you will return home we could sing it together. First place in American Idol for sure.

    Love, Dad

  2. Eitan, now you have toured an air force base in the north and in the south! Do you remember?

    I also witnessed Amir reading from the Torah and will be happy to write him a recommendation letter for American idol. Or even כוכב נולד.

    1. Don't forget to mention that you were also one of those who got on the podium and sang to the crowd. There is a video to prove this as well and I will send it to you on a DVD. You could use it as an extortion tool against Eitan. "Eitan, if you will not do the dishes I will post my video on YouTube".

  3. What wonderful pictures and memory's you guys are making. I love your blog and it makes it seem that we are there with you guys! :) The airshow looked very cool. The rafting sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy the rest of the trip.

    Love you Julia.

  4. Yuval and Assaf!!!! So Jealous!!

  5. Eitan and Avi, your Dads rocked this morning reading Torah! You would have been very proud. We missed you for Yom Ha'atzmaut celebrations but the 7th graders did a great job leading their teams. They may yet be ready to take on your roles as 8th graders and leaders of the school! I know you are having an amazing time but I miss you all more each day and am having a hard time walking past Morah Amalya's empty classroom. So, come home soon.
    Kayla, your Dad will love the picture of you with the helipcopter!

  6. How nice that you got to see Yuval and Assaf! Looks like a great day. Oh, the scary river raft ride on the Jordan, I remember it well. Did you all put your hands up and say "whoooo" when you went over the rapids? ( I mean rapid) I bet Amalya and Rabbi Amanda did. Still missing you and now more jealous than ever,
    Love Jackie

  7. Ben, how did you get that helicopter to stay on your hat like that? Amazing. Great blog and pix. I suddenly feel the need, "the need for speed."
    P.S. I hope someone got a photo of the hot chocolate machine...
    You all look great, especially that kid in the Boston hat (I know, it's not a Red Sox hat).
    Love you, Joshua.
    See you soon.

    1. Seth - That's because his cousin is a helicopter pilot soldier Israeli air force...

  8. Hi Kayla - we hope you mentioned the word "helicopter" so we can write off the trip!! Love the new t-shirts......
    We love you

  9. Indeed it looks fantastic, the whole experience of Yom Haazmaut. I wonder what was louder Aviv's screaming, aka " singing" or the air planes roaring engines. I bet it was Avi.
    Happy Bat Mitzvah anniversary, sweety,
    Love, mom

  10. Indeed it looks fantastic, the whole experience of Yom Haazmaut. I wonder what was louder Aviv's screaming, aka " singing" or the air planes roaring engines. I bet it was Avi.
    Happy Bat Mitzvah anniversary, sweety,
    Love, mom

  11. בן-אנחנו מתגעגעים...סוף פסוק נקודה

  12. I apologize for the double post. Avi's screamings made me "loose it". Who can concentrate in such a noise???

  13. Hi Joshua. Don't get any ideas about joining the air force when you get home. White water rafting sounded like fun.. Glad you guys didn't go over a waterfall. Have another great day! Looking forward to your next blog.


  14. K'far Blum?....brings back memories from just a few years ago, when I just about your age Yoni.....great spot!! So excited to see you all having such a great time - and the video was killer!! Enjoy the last few days....

    Love, Aba

  15. Jennifer, we can't wait to go white water rafting and bicycle riding with you when you come home. Do they do that in Easton? We just need to find the water. And a bike.
    Love you. Dad

  16. Can't wait to hear what "great job, Rabbi Amanda" means!? Coincidentally, I also visited an Air Force base and went white water rafting yesterday. Go figure. But seriously, this trip is off the scale for awesomeness. We are so happy that you seem to be enjoying every minute. I know that you only have a couple of days left, but please try to find some time to daven. One or two pictures from tefillah would make us feel like you didn't shlep your talis and tefillin for nothing. Thank you.
