Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day 7

Happy Star Wars Day everyone and may the fourth be with you! Also, yippee-kayee it’s another day in the Promised Land, as we rush onto the bus with our luggage and go on our way to the next hotel. But before leaving the holy city of Jerusalem, we had our usual morning tefillah, today lead by Yaakov, Yoni, and Ben. We then left for Yad Lkashish, a place where the retired learn a certain craft in order to make money.

Only after shopping for a bit in Yad Lkashish’s gift shop did we head onto the bus, away from the city of Jerusalem, and drive north.  On the way we stopped for lunch, where we split into groups depending on what we wanted to eat.

When we got back on the bus we went off to see our pen pals that we wrote letters to a few months ago.  There we learned how the Jews managed to defend themselves when they couldn’t have guns under the British Mandate. We talked about how important it is that we can defend ourselves now.  After that visit, we went off to the Emuna center, where we learned a bit about the center, made t-shirts for Yom Hatzmaut, with the kids at the center and played sports with the kids there. We did tug o’war and we won. We told Shlomo, the director, that our win makes up for all the losses we have had in soccer when we have gone there in the past.

The class then went to Falafel Golani for dinner where we were thoroughly impressed by the server’s falafel scooping skills. We then went to where we will be staying for the next few days, Degania Bet.  After watching the members of the kibbutz preform their very powerful ceremony for Yom Hazikaron, we went back to our rooms for a few minutes before our very inspiring ceremony that left many in the class in tears.  We then all went back to our rooms to process what had happened during the last hours and to get ready for bed.


  1. Wow it looks like another full day and if seems like you guys made lots of new friends both old and young and had a great time decorating, playing and enjoying. The memories that you guys are making and going to take with will last a life time. Keep having fun and writing the very entertaining blog. The pictures are awesome too. Enjoy.

    Love you Julia.

  2. It is evident that everyone is having an enjoyable journey - anyone tired yet? Have a fabulous week! Keep those pictures coming! Love you, Yoni. Ima

  3. Hi Joshua.
    Kudos to you and Zachary on doing a great job with the blog. Each afternoon, I look forward to reading the blog and seeing the photos. Joshua, how was everyone able to lift you???? Your classmates are quite strong. What a great photo! Enjoy your new adventures today.

  4. If it becomes necessary to again hoist Joshua (as I know it often is), please remember he's breakable... Handle with Care! Awesome blog, fabulous photos, amazing journey. Have a great week, everyone. Love you, J-man.

  5. Ok... so I just watched some you tube video of the Falafel Golani guy flipping the falafel balls into the pita. Pretty impressive! Today's activities, as described in the blog, sound fascinating and moving. Mazal tov on the tug of war victory! Zach, I ran the Cinco de Miles race today. (That's 5 de Miles, for those of you who don't speak Spanish.) Anyway, I was so happy with my time that I ate 2 breads at the finish line. Ben thought I should bring one home for you, but I thought it would probably be stale by the time you got home. Enjoy your time on the kibbutz. We can't wait to hear all about it! Leila tov...

  6. Yad Lekashish and the Emunah Center all in one day! Sounds unforgettable. Hope you guys are remembering to take good care of your teachers too. Thinking we need to add tug of war to the annual class party - boys v. girls or kids v. parents? Can't wait until 4:00 tomorrow (that's around when we usually get the blog). Love you!

  7. Looks like a great day! Here in the golah, we had a very moving Yom Hazikaron ceremony at the JCC organized by Amit and Nir, and I thought about you guys experiencing this in Israel. Looking forward to hearing how Yom Ha'atzmaut goes!

    Eitan, looking good!
    Love, Aba
